Why Isn’t Design Art?
Design is not an art. The design must work.
Michael Philips
Design vs. art has a long history. True, I have heard that designing is not an art. questioned why? Defining design is similar to defining love or life in that everyone seems to have their own definition.
What would you call this lovely picture? Do change…
(It’s an Art.)
It’s a Design, b
vs design
Describe design:
You will get “n” distinct definitions of design if you pick people at random off the street and ask them. I therefore choose to look it up in a dictionary to see what it actually means.
Design is: Design is a plan or specification for building an item, system, or carrying out an activity.
Here are a few illustrations of designs:
T-shirt logo Engineering of Brooklyn Bridge advertisement from a constitution magazine
Scriptwriting The list goes on and on, including designing a website’s appearance and feel.
I’m now reading The Design Of Everyday Things by Don Norman, which further categorises design into two types:
Physical: artwork, buildings, clothing, etc.
Non-physical: Statutes, regulations, ideas, etc.
And if you combine these three fields—art, business, and technology—you can begin to see what design is all about.
The reason something is made, done, or exists is known as its purpose.
Art is the expression or application of human creativity, producing works primarily valued for their aesthetic appeal or emotional impact.
The systematic study of the composition and behaviour of the physical and natural world via experimentation and observation is known as science.
This indicates that fixing problems is a fundamental part of the design process.
“In part because effective designs meet our needs so well that they become invisible, good design is actually much harder to discover than poor design”.
Donnie Norman
A good design accomplishes a goal effectively and efficiently. A smart design constantly seeks out the most straightforward workable solution. No of their choice, culture, or tastes, everyone should be able to comprehend the purpose of a great design.
A great design combines business, art, and technology to create an excellent solution.
A designer will eventually realise that great design is more about providing issues with solutions.
Design is not art; it is a solution. In my opinion, these folks completely grasp the concept of design. To see how well they create solutions, go to their website, webplinth.com. Leo9 Studio is a synthesis of business, art, and technological ideologies, all of which I personally concur with.
Find out more about Design vs. Art:
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